Tulip vase

Tulpenvaas kristal

Buy or choose a tulip vase? If you want to choose a tulip vase, you have come to the right place at CityofGlass. We always have vases for everyone in stock. Whether you like large vases, Cheetah vases, gold vases or black vases. You will always find a beautiful tulip vase at CityOfGlass. But which vases are now suitable for tulips?

Vase Black&Gold with Glass Tulips

What is a Tulip Vase?

Official is a tulip vase, a vase with small holes in it to put a tulip in each hole separately. This ensures that every flower gets the same amount of attention. Years ago, a tulip was a status symbol. Tulips were then unaffordable for “normal people”. In order to give the tulips the maximum care because of their value, a tulip vase was probably created. Tulip vases have been popping up since the 17th century, which were previously mainly made in Delft. For more information about cleaning a vase. Read our other blog

For CityOfGlass is a tulip vase, a vase that can hold tulips. You can use our tulip vases for bouquets, and for one flower. Of course you could also put other flowers in the vase, in our opinion there are no rules for that. The most important thing is that you like the vase and the flowers! (photo)

Vase of glass or crystal

Tulip vases are made of different materials. Because the environment is our top priority, we love recyclable materials such as glass or crystal. All our vases are therefore made of glass or crystal and possibly an addition such as gold or silver. This ensures that the material remains recyclable, but still has a luxurious look. Check out our collection Vases here.

Tulip vase crystal
Tulip vase crystal

Tulip vase with flowers

You can of course put “real” or “artificial” flowers in a tulip vase. Real flowers are of course beautiful, but require a lot of attention. Tulips, for example, are very susceptible to bacteria. That is why hygiene is very important for tulips. Before you put the tulips in a vase, you should thoroughly clean the vase. And it is best for tulips to change the water every day with tap water at room temperature.

Tulip vase with glass flowers

The attention that tulips, for example, must have is one of the reasons why people choose artificial flowers. Artificial flowers can also be very beautiful, and require practically no attention. These flowers can of course be made from different materials. Of all these materials, we are most fond of glass or crystal. At CityOfGlass we have different flowers made of glass. Think of Tulips, roses, forget-me-nots, etc. Curious? View our Collection of glass flowers here.

Cheetah vase glass with tulip
Cheetah vase glass with tulip


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